14 February 2011

The Transition...not T1, not T2

So what sort of transition could I possibly be talking about, since this is all about triathlons?

Well, it's about that other thing: Life: the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power ofadaptation to environment through changes originating internally. I am now a Senior at the University of Rochester and, with a pretty low-key semester at the moment, there is only one thing (in terms of school related topics) of which to be concerned. That 'thing' would be a J O B. To me, this point marks the second big phase of life. College is definitely a completely different experience from high school and before; and it is surely a large increase independence and self-dependence. However, you still have most of that comforting shelter that is always there to fall back on. Once you're 'out there' in the world, it's entirely different. How do I know? How does a turtle know where to go when it is born...it just does.

Here I am, on the prowl for a job. But merely having a job is not something that will be satisfactory to me. I need a job a can immerse myself in and a job to which I can feel connected. I think that this aspect of a job is why most people are unhappy with their current job, and I really don't want to dread work. Even this semester is pretty tough for me to bear. I'm only taking 12 credits as opposed to my normal 16-18. And my classes are: Piano, Yoga, Economic Statistics, and Senior Design. The only class that is academically stimulating are small parts of senior design; the project is excellent but it's not the nitty gritty engineering that I love. Econ. stat is just plain boring. I really like piano, but it doesn't offer all that much. And yoga has been phenomenal, mentally and physically - but it's in a completely different way than any sort of course work. I picked up a research position two weeks ago, but so far it is just reading the literature and picking out experimental set-ups and methods. It will get more interesting as the project begins and develops. The lab is doing research on Diffuse Optical techniques to improve the monitoring of breast cancer. It offers physiologically relevant metabolic data in addition to visual information, and is non-invasive...and cheap! So it's pretty obvious that the research could get to be very very interesting, it's only in its infancy right now as the professor is new to UR this semester.

Anyways, I've been filling up all my extra time with extra training, visiting home, and allowing myself proper sleep and sleep schedule. Early mornings are the way to go is what I've learned. Rather than rolling out of bed at 10:40 to catch the bus to my 11:05, I get up at 8:30 and bike. I've noticed my energy is much more consistent and I just feel better (minus the getting tired a bit earlier part).

Oh yeah, jobs. I have been looking pretty steadily since this semester started: getting recommendations, applications, etc. together and ready to roll. I've put in five or so applications, three of which were more just to get apps out there than anything else. My sights are focus on the Northeast due to my family, but if a job in San Diego or Colorado shows itself - I'll bite.

I'm definitely ready to be finished with undergrad and get out there to 'life' or the real world. But there are about 89 (okay, fine, exactly) days until I graduate: May 15th, 2011. Pretty crazy, but I'm excited for it and everything that comes with it. Bring it on world!

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